- What is Delta Apparel, Inc.'s stock symbol?
Our stock is traded on the Pink Market under the symbol DLAPQ.
- When was Delta Apparel, Inc. incorporated?
Delta Apparel, Inc. was incorporated in Georgia on December 10, 1999.
- When did Delta Apparel, Inc. become a public company?
- Where is Delta Apparel, Inc. located?
2750 Premiere Parkway – Suite 100
Duluth, GA 30097- When is Delta Apparel, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
September 30th
- Who is Delta Apparel, Inc.'s transfer agent?
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
T: 800-937-5449
www.amstock.com- Who is Delta Apparel, Inc.'s independent auditor?
Ernst & Young LLP